Monday, March 22, 2010


Part 1:
The environment that we are surrounded by shapes what we choose to do outside. When it’s warm we play outside on play grounds and walk on nature trails. When it’s cold we play in the snow and sit by an outdoor fire. I chose to focus on humans enjoying their surroundings while doing activities that they enjoy; I call it their “element.” The images have young and old doing things they have fun doing. I focused on the actual surroundings and not just the people in them; it’s what makes the photo.

Part 2:

The first six images are focused on humans and people enjoying the outdoors. They are doing various things that make them happy. Each person or persons is unaware I am photographing them to create a candid image. The photos continue with the theme or the outdoors and become more specific to younger people, especially little children. Little kids love playing, they can be entertained for hours with a shovel and a pale, or with something as simple as snow. Children also have the most noticeable emotions, if they are happy you can see it in their facial emotions and body language. The last six photos are completely focused on little children and what they enjoy doing outside.

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